"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."
- Wernher von Braun
Deciphering the Impact of Magnetic Susceptibility Variations on MRI Signal Formation
Magnetic field inhomogeneities play a crucial role in the processes of spin dephasing within MRI. One of the causes of such field variations can be differences in magnetic susceptibility between the source and its surrounding medium. Blood vessels, especially the microvasculature can be a significant contributor. Through investigation of different phenomena that occur due to the presence of these microsusceptibilities as well as the mathematical models that describe them, we aim to gain a deeper insight into how they affect the relaxation properties of the MR signal.

Oscillating current imaging with MRI: Towards non-invasive detection of direct markers of neuronal activity.
Obtaining insights into the functional organization of the brain is fundamental for the understanding of mechanisms leading, for example, to neurodegenerative disorders.
We are working on the development of a technique for the direct detection of neuronal currents through MRI. We work on imaging techniques to sensitize the MRI signal directly to neuro-oscillating current at certain frequency bands. Our goal is to propose an alternative to the standard BOLD contrast for functional MRI that generates more direct results, bypassing completely the study of the hemodynamic response. The application of this new approach might unlock a new level of detail in the study of the human brain in vivo.
Myocardial Perfusion Mapping
The blood flow through the heart muscle, called myocardial perfusion, is an important quantity for monitoring cardiac health and diagnosing coronary artery disease. In this regard, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) offers non-ionising, non-invasive tools to image and measure myocardial perfusion. However, the current standard technique - first-pass perfusion CMR - suffers from low coverage and subjective interpretation. Moreover, the required contrast agents are contraindicated in patients with kidney dysfunction and limit the clinical applicability of first-pass perfusion CMR. We therefore work on the development of novel techniques for first-pass perfusion MRI aimed at expanding the coverage and quantifying perfusion metrics more accurately. We are also exploring non-contrast methods for mapping myocardial perfusion, focusing on improving the robustness of these techniques against measurement noise.

Probing the Myocardial Microstructure with Rotating Frame Relaxometry
Detection of fibrotic remodeling without exogenous contrast agents has been a long-standing goal of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Despite the clinical success of quantitative tissue characterization techniques, conventional relaxometry has limited sensitivity and specificity. Alternatively, rotating frame relaxometry is a promising tool for the non-contrast detection of scar and fibrosis.
In this project, we aim to develop state-of-the-art imaging techniques to obtain novel biomarkers for the non-contrast assessment of scar and fibrosis in clinical routine with improved sensitivity and specificity.
Predictive noise canceling: a versatile and cost-effective solution for the acoustic noise problem in MRI
Modern MRI scans expose the patient to extreme acoustic noise, which can reach sound pressure levels up to 130 dB - comparable to a starting jet engine. This is a significant contributor to patient anxiety and without adequate protection, can put the patient at risk of hearing damage. In this research line, we use acoustic characterization and modeling of the MRI system to predict the exact sound of any arbitrary MRI sequence. This prediction can then be used as anti-noise to create silent zones around the patient's ears, substantially alleviating the noise burden.